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7885 5.0 release powermgr注册监听失败
2401_85855856 2025-02-19 17:20:52
54 评论 分享

机器在充电状态下无法开机,通log发现,是powermgr在MultimodalInput启动之前,就开始了注册监听,导致AddMonitor失败,后续也就无法再触发OnInputEvent,如果在void ChargerThread::InputMonitorInit()接口里添加usleep延迟,就可以注册成功

01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 W C02c0b/charger: : [charger_thread.cpp:345] InputMonitorInit# Charger input monitor init
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/InputManagerImpl: [][AddMonitor:782] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalEventHandler: [][InitClient:123] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 60 [change@/devices/platform/backlight/backlight/sprd_backlight]
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][UDSClient:27] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][UDSClient] leave
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 E C02800/MMIClient: [][SetEventHandler:49] CHKPV(eventHandler) is null
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Start:87] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][StartClient:101] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 14 [ACTION=change]
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][ConnectTo:37] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Socket:262] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][ConnectMultimodalInputService:463] enter
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C01810/SA_CLIENT: CheckSystemAbility called
01-01 08:06:55.859   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: key:ACTION,value:[change]
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C01810/SA_CLIENT: DynamicCache QueryResult Recompute
01-01 08:06:55.859   389   389 D C01810/SA_CLIENT: DynamicCache RemoveDeathRecipient
01-01 08:06:55.859   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 61 [DEVPATH=/devices/platform/backlight/backlight/sprd_backlight]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: key:DEVPATH,value:[/devices/platform/backlight/backlight/sprd_backlight]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 20 [SUBSYSTEM=backlight]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: key:SUBSYSTEM,value:[backlight]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 13 [SOURCE=sysfs]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: key:SOURCE,value:[sysfs]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent 12 [SEQNUM=5538]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: key:SEQNUM,value:[5538]
01-01 08:06:55.860   333   351 D C02510/devmgr_uevent: DevMgrParseUevent {change@/devices/platform/backlight/backlight/sprd_backlight} 180
01-01 08:06:55.860   334   396 D C057c1/ProcessSkeleton: AttachInvokerProcInfo 287: 3094032928, 389 389 6667 671854482 0
01-01 08:06:55.860   334   396 D C01800/SAMGR: SAMStub::OnReceived, code = 2, callerPid = 389
01-01 08:06:55.860   334   396 D C01800/SAMGR: CheckSystemAbility called, SA:3101
01-01 08:06:55.860   334   396 I C01800/SAMGR: NF SA:3101,pid:389,n:1
01-01 08:06:55.860   334   396 D C01800/SAMGR: CheckSystemAbilityInner SA:3101 CheckSystemAbility failed.
01-01 08:06:55.861   334   396 D C057c1/ProcessSkeleton: AttachInvokerProcInfo 287: 3094032928, 334 334 5555 0 0
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C057c6/BinderInvoker: HandleReply 919: received status code:7, free the buffer
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C057c2/IPCObjectProxy: SendRequest 151: failed, handle:0 error:7 desc:*.accessToken proxy:2860240928 time:19751628139
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C02801/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][ConnectMultimodalInputService:471] CHKPF(sa) is null
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][ConnectMultimodalInputService] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][AllocSocketPair:55] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C02801/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][AllocSocketPair:57] CHKPR(multimodalInputConnectService_) is null, return value is -1
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalInputConnectManager: [][AllocSocketPair] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C02800/MMIClient: [][Socket:266] Call AllocSocketPair return -1
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Socket] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C02800/UDSClient: [][ConnectTo:39] Socket failed
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][ConnectTo] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 W C02800/UDSClient: [][StartClient:109] Client connection failed, Try again later
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][StartClient] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 E C02800/MMIClient: [][Start:91] Client startup failed
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Stop:286] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][Stop:117] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][Stop] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Stop] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Start] leave
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][~MMIClient:43] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Stop:286] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][Stop:117] enter
01-01 08:06:55.861   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][Stop] leave
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][Stop] leave
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/MMIClient: [][~MMIClient] leave
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][~UDSClient:32] enter
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/UDSClient: [][~UDSClient] leave
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 E C02802/MultimodalEventHandler: [][InitClient:136] The client fails to start
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/MultimodalEventHandler: [][InitClient] leave
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 E C02800/InputManagerImpl: [][AddMonitor:787] Client init failed
01-01 08:06:55.862   389   389 D C02800/InputManagerImpl: [][AddMonitor] leave


54 评论 分享


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