Device info:OpenHarmony 3.2
Build info:OpenHarmony
Module name:com.example.softbusclient
appfreeze: com.example.softbusclient APPLICATION_BLOCK_INPUT at 20210101235918
MSG:User input does not respond

start time: 2021/01/01-23:59:18:470
TIMESTAMP = 2021/01/01-23:59:18:463
PID = 2140
UID = 20010043
TID = 1794
PACKAGE_NAME = com.example.softbusclient
PROCESS_NAME = com.example.softbusclient
eventLog_action = s,pb:0,cmd:c,cmd:m
eventLog_interval = 10
MSG = User input does not respond

OpenStacktraceCatcher -- pid==2140 packageName is com.example.softbusclient
Result: 0 ( no error )
Timestamp:2021-01-01 23:59:18.000
Process name:com.example.softbusclient
Tid:2140, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 000000000006ce44 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 000000000006776c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 000000000006a8b0 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 000000000006a154 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(dlopen+112)
#04 pc 0000000000016f90 /system/lib64/libace_napi.z.so(NativeModuleManager::LoadModuleLibrary(char const*, char const*, bool)+368)
#05 pc 00000000000169b0 /system/lib64/libace_napi.z.so(NativeModuleManager::FindNativeModuleByDisk(char const*, char const*, bool, bool, bool)+240)
#06 pc 0000000000016750 /system/lib64/libace_napi.z.so(NativeModuleManager::LoadNativeModule(char const*, char const*, bool, bool, bool)+792)
#07 pc 00000000000209d0 /system/lib64/libace_napi_ark.z.so
#08 pc 000000000037b6a8 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#09 pc 0000007f61e9287c Unknown

Tid:2141, Name:IPC_0_2141
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000003d014 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000003eba0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000003ed2c /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000003faa0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 0000000000039c50 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+452)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2142, Name:IPC_1_2142
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000003d014 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000003eba0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000003ed2c /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000003faa0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 0000000000039c30 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+420)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2143, Name:SignalHandler
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000085548 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&, std::__h::chrono::time_point<std::__h::chrono::system_clock, std::__h::chrono::duration<long long, std::__h::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >)+108)
#05 pc 000000000001a8c0 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#06 pc 000000000001a6fc /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::NoneIoWaiter::WaitFor(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&, long)+116)
#07 pc 0000000000011c48 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::WaitUntilLocked(std::__h::chrono::time_point<std::__h::chrono::steady_clock, std::__h::chrono::duration<long long, std::__h::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&, std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+92)
#08 pc 0000000000011b84 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::GetEvent()+116)
#09 pc 0000000000017844 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#10 pc 0000000000015f9c /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#11 pc 0000000000018c90 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#12 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#13 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2144, Name:DfxWatchdog
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000085548 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::__do_timed_wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&, std::__h::chrono::time_point<std::__h::chrono::system_clock, std::__h::chrono::duration<long long, std::__h::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >)+108)
#05 pc 000000000000da04 /system/lib64/libhicollie.z.so(OHOS::HiviewDFX::WatchdogInner::Start()+440)
#06 pc 000000000000e764 /system/lib64/libhicollie.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2145, Name:IPC_2_2145
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000003d014 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000003eba0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000003ed2c /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000003faa0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 0000000000039c30 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+420)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2146, Name:GC_WorkerThread
#00 pc 00000000000a1d14 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(syscall+444)
#01 pc 00000000001044bc /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::ConditionVariable::Wait(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::Mutex*)+412)
#02 pc 000000000039ef38 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#03 pc 000000000039f0c0 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#04 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#05 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2147, Name:GC_WorkerThread
#00 pc 00000000000a1d14 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(syscall+444)
#01 pc 00000000001044bc /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::ConditionVariable::Wait(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::Mutex*)+412)
#02 pc 000000000039ef38 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#03 pc 000000000039f0c0 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#04 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#05 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2148, Name:GC_WorkerThread
#00 pc 00000000000a1d14 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(syscall+444)
#01 pc 00000000001044bc /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::ConditionVariable::Wait(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::Mutex*)+412)
#02 pc 000000000039ef38 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#03 pc 000000000039f0c0 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#04 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#05 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2149, Name:GC_WorkerThread
#00 pc 00000000000a1d14 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(syscall+444)
#01 pc 00000000001044bc /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::ConditionVariable::Wait(panda::os::unix::memory::futex::Mutex*)+412)
#02 pc 000000000039ef38 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#03 pc 000000000039f0c0 /system/lib64/libark_jsruntime.so
#04 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#05 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2150, Name:EventRunner#1
#00 pc 000000000008a6b8 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(epoll_wait+36)
#01 pc 000000000000d340 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EpollIoWaiter::WaitFor(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&, long)+240)
#02 pc 0000000000011c48 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::WaitUntilLocked(std::__h::chrono::time_point<std::__h::chrono::steady_clock, std::__h::chrono::duration<long long, std::__h::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&, std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+92)
#03 pc 0000000000011b84 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::GetEvent()+116)
#04 pc 00000000000179ec /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#05 pc 0000000000015f9c /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000018c90 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2153, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000a9fd4 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(recvfrom+40)
#03 pc 00000000000040b4 /system/lib64/libhdc_register.z.so(OHOS::Ace::HdcJdwpSimulator::Connect()+680)
#04 pc 000000000000326c /system/lib64/libhdc_register.z.so(OHOS::Ace::HdcConnectRun(void*)+280)
#05 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#06 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2154, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000a3d1c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(accept+36)
#03 pc 000000000000caf8 /system/lib64/libconnectserver_debugger.z.so(OHOS::ArkCompiler::Toolchain::WebSocket::ConnectUnixWebSocket()+112)
#04 pc 000000000000aac4 /system/lib64/libconnectserver_debugger.z.so(OHOS::ArkCompiler::Toolchain::ConnectServer::RunServer()+168)
#05 pc 000000000000860c /system/lib64/libconnectserver_debugger.z.so(OHOS::ArkCompiler::Toolchain::HandleDebugManager(void*)+12)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2155, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000a3d1c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(accept+36)
#03 pc 000000000000e990 /system/lib64/libark_debugger.z.so(OHOS::ArkCompiler::Toolchain::WebSocket::ConnectUnixWebSocket()+112)
#04 pc 000000000000c790 /system/lib64/libark_debugger.z.so(OHOS::ArkCompiler::Toolchain::WsServer::RunServer()+480)
#05 pc 000000000000ba20 /system/lib64/libark_debugger.z.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2158, Name:RSRenderThread
#00 pc 000000000008a6b8 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(epoll_wait+36)
#01 pc 000000000000d340 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EpollIoWaiter::WaitFor(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&, long)+240)
#02 pc 0000000000011c48 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::WaitUntilLocked(std::__h::chrono::time_point<std::__h::chrono::steady_clock, std::__h::chrono::duration<long long, std::__h::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > > const&, std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+92)
#03 pc 0000000000011b84 /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventQueue::GetEvent()+116)
#04 pc 00000000000179ec /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so
#05 pc 000000000001647c /system/lib64/platformsdk/libeventhandler.z.so(OHOS::AppExecFwk::EventRunner::Run()+92)
#06 pc 0000000000076510 /system/lib64/librender_service_client.z.so
#07 pc 0000000000079328 /system/lib64/librender_service_client.z.so
#08 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#09 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2159, Name:ace.bg.1
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2160, Name:ace.bg.2
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2161, Name:ace.bg.3
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2162, Name:ace.bg.4
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2163, Name:ace.bg.5
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2164, Name:ace.bg.6
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2165, Name:ace.bg.7
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2166, Name:ace.bg.8
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000854a8 /system/lib64/libc++.so(std::__h::condition_variable::wait(std::__h::unique_lock<std::__h::mutex>&)+20)
#05 pc 0000000000499718 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#06 pc 0000000000499b10 /system/lib64/libace.z.so
#07 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#08 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2167, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000021998 /system/lib64/libuv.so(uv_cond_wait+8)
#05 pc 0000000000011f78 /system/lib64/libuv.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2168, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000021998 /system/lib64/libuv.so(uv_cond_wait+8)
#05 pc 0000000000011f78 /system/lib64/libuv.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2169, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000021998 /system/lib64/libuv.so(uv_cond_wait+8)
#05 pc 0000000000011f78 /system/lib64/libuv.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2170, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 0000000000021998 /system/lib64/libuv.so(uv_cond_wait+8)
#05 pc 0000000000011f78 /system/lib64/libuv.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2172, Name:IPC_3_2172
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000003d014 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000003eba0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000003ed2c /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000003faa0 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 0000000000039c30 /system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk/libipc_core.z.so(OHOS::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+420)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2173, Name:mali-event-hand
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000bdf7c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(poll+112)
#03 pc 0000000000a15ee8 /system/lib64/libmali-g610-ohos.so

Tid:2174, Name:mali-mem-purge
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000d6b6c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(clock_nanosleep+92)
#03 pc 00000000000d71a8 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(nanosleep+24)
#04 pc 00000000000da448 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(usleep+76)
#05 pc 0000000000a12e80 /system/lib64/libmali-g610-ohos.so

Tid:2175, Name:mali-cpu-comman
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d44a8 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(sem_timedwait+160)
#04 pc 0000000000a19040 /system/lib64/libmali-g610-ohos.so

Tid:2176, Name:com.example.sof
#00 pc 0000000000077768 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000bed64 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(sigtimedwait+56)
#03 pc 00000000000d8a30 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#04 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#05 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2177, Name:IPC_0_2177
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000001d4b4 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000001f04c /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000001f1d8 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000001ff4c /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 000000000001a764 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+452)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2178, Name:IPC_1_2178
#00 pc 00000000000a0bcc /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(ioctl+156)
#01 pc 000000000001d4b4 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderConnector::WriteBinder(unsigned long, void*)+40)
#02 pc 000000000001f04c /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::TransactWithDriver(bool)+200)
#03 pc 000000000001f1d8 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::StartWorkLoop()+84)
#04 pc 000000000001ff4c /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::BinderInvoker::JoinThread(bool)+48)
#05 pc 000000000001a744 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libipc_single.z.so(OHOS::IPC_SINGLE::IPCWorkThread::ThreadHandler(void*)+420)
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

Tid:2179, Name:SoftBusConnect
#00 pc 0000000000077764 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#01 pc 00000000000d0690 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#02 pc 00000000000cf75c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#03 pc 00000000000d0d3c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1(pthread_cond_timedwait+500)
#04 pc 00000000000094d8 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libsoftbus_adapter.z.so(SoftBusCondWait+280)
#05 pc 0000000000016994 /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libsoftbus_utils.z.so
#06 pc 00000000000d220c /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1
#07 pc 0000000000077734 /system/lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1

PeerBinderCatcher -- pid==2140 layer_ == 0

BinderCatcher --

pid    context        request    started    max    ready    free_async_space
2140    binder    0    2    16    3    520192
2140    binder    0    4    16    5    520192
2012    binder    0    2    16    3    520192
1960    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
1872    binder    0    2    16    3    520192
1864    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
1840    binder    0    2    16    3    520192
1745    binder    0    4    16    5    520192
520    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
573    binder    0    11    16    13    520192
480    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
592    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
566    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
294    binder    0    5    16    6    520192
519    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
415    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
575    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
513    binder    0    0    16    2    520192
579    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
1234    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
521    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
375    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
595    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
571    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
388    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
518    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
564    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
550    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
1120    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
549    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
574    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
577    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
593    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
512    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
578    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
585    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
422    binder    0    4    16    6    520192
416    binder    0    4    16    6    520192
591    binder    0    3    16    4    520192
594    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
461    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
556    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
285    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
570    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
576    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
541    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
540    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
522    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
558    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
546    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
557    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
569    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
548    binder    0    3    16    4    520192
539    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
545    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
551    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
526    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
524    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
529    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
547    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
565    binder    0    0    16    2    520192
528    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
538    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
525    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
515    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
423    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
527    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
376    binder    0    3    16    5    520192
523    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
451    binder    0    1    16    2    520192
377    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
406    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
283    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
286    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
289    binder    0    2    16    4    520192
284    binder    0    6    16    8    520192
288    binder    0    1    16    3    520192
281    binder    0    5    5    6    520192

PeerBinder Stacktrace --

PeerBinder pids is empty

CommandCatcher -- pid==2140 packageName is com.example.softbusclient


Load average: 1.89 / 1.38 / 0.58; the cpu load average in 1 min, 5 min and 15 min
CPU usage from 2021-01-01 23:59:18 to 2021-01-01 23:59:18
Total: 0%; User Space: 0%; Kernel Space: 0%; iowait: 0%; irq: 0%; idle: 98%
Details of Processes:
    PID   Total Usage       User Space    Kernel Space    Page Fault Minor    Page Fault Major    Name
    2140       0%               0%             0%               13436                 175        com.example.sof
    2133       0%               0%             0%                 241                   0        ueventd        
    2012       0%               0%             0%                1560                   4        com.ohos.teleph
    1960       0%               0%             0%                 731                   7        device_auth    
    1872       0%               0%             0%                2821                  88        com.ohos.medial
    1864       0%               0%             0%               11495                  27        com.example.kik
    1840       0%               0%             0%               43851                 108        com.ohos.launch
    1780       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:3H   
    1745       0%               0%             0%               36908                 435        com.ohos.system
    1726       0%               0%             0%                 363                   2        hilog          
    1674       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_srv_wb2    
    1673       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_sb_wb2     
    1672       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_ino_wb2    
    1671       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        share_item_time
    1670       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_srv_wb1    
    1669       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_sb_wb1     
    1668       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dfs_ino_wb1    
    1667       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        share_item_time
    1596       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:3-events
    1419       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:2    
    1299       0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u17:2-mali_kbase_csf_sync_upd
    1234       0%               0%             0%                 751                   7        pinauth        
    1120       0%               0%             0%                 881                  11        cert_manager_se
    682        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/120-dwc3   
    612        0%               0%             0%                2909                   9        hdcd           
    595        0%               0%             0%                1175                  26        distributedsche
    594        0%               0%             0%                 918                  10        distributedfile
    593        0%               0%             0%                1306                  36        wifi_manager_se
    592        0%               0%             0%                2196                  24        softbus_server
    591        0%               0%             0%                4662                 282        render_service
    585        0%               0%             0%                 990                   2        netsysnative   
    579        0%               0%             0%                1839                  13        pasteboard_serv
    578        0%               0%             0%                 994                   6        file_service   
    577        0%               0%             0%                 783                   2        destruct_servic
    576        0%               0%             0%                1494                  45        accountmgr     
    575        0%               0%             0%                 995                   7        input_service  
    574        0%               0%             0%                 758                  17        sensors        
    573        0%               0%             0%                8730                1398        foundation     
    572        0%               0%             0%                 359                   3        faultloggerd   
    571        0%               0%             0%                1789                  12        camera_service
    570        0%               0%             0%                 743                   3        ui_service     
    569        0%               0%             0%                 769                   8        privacy_service
    566        0%               0%             0%                1741                  11        inputmethod_ser
    565        0%               0%             0%                 313                   4        installs       
    564        0%               0%             0%                1322                  13        av_session     
    558        0%               0%             0%                1070                  26        accesstoken_ser
    557        0%               0%             0%                1797                  76        distributeddata
    556        0%               0%             0%                4856                 335        media_service  
    554        0%               0%             0%                 259                   2        system_monitor
    551        0%               0%             0%                 932                   9        hidumper_servic
    550        0%               0%             0%                1324                  21        useriam        
    549        0%               0%             0%                 692                   9        licclient_servi
    548        0%               0%             0%                 702                   2        disp_gralloc_ho
    547        0%               0%             0%                 327                   5        blue_host      
    546        0%               0%             0%                 389                  16        usb_host       
    545        0%               0%             0%                 493                  21        power_host     
    541        0%               0%             0%                 350                   8        wifi_host      
    540        0%               0%             0%                 378                  18        audio_hdi_serve
    539        0%               0%             0%                 890                  47        camera_host    
    538        0%               0%             0%                 339                   7        input_user_host
    529        0%               0%             0%                 339                   7        sensor_host    
    528        0%               0%             0%                 336                   4        vibrator_host  
    527        0%               0%             0%                 337                   4        light_host     
    526        0%               0%             0%                 576                  10        codec_host     
    525        0%               0%             0%                 332                   8        face_auth_host
    524        0%               0%             0%                 400                  16        pin_auth_host  
    523        0%               0%             0%                 405                  11        user_auth_host
    522        0%               0%             0%                 327                   6        fingerprint_aut
    521        0%               0%             0%                1859                  34        audio_policy   
    520        0%               0%             0%                2046                   4        screenlock_serv
    519        0%               0%             0%                2266                  60        bgtaskmgr_servi
    518        0%               0%             0%               10276                  17        wallpaper_servi
    515        0%               0%             0%                 754                  18        msdp           
    513        0%               0%             0%                1676                  13        edm            
    512        0%               0%             0%                1124                   8        time_service   
    480        0%               0%             0%                3886                 107        telephony      
    461        0%               0%             0%                1545                  91        netmanager     
    451        0%               0%             0%                 640                   8        deviceauth_serv
    423        0%               0%             0%                1480                  27        devattest_servi
    422        0%               0%             0%                2537                  19        accessibility  
    416        0%               0%             0%                1148                  35        pulseaudio     
    415        0%               0%             0%                2893                  39        resource_schedu
    406        0%               0%             0%                 897                  18        huks_service   
    388        0%               0%             0%                1579                  99        bluetooth_servi
    377        0%               0%             0%                1211                  28        memmgrservice  
    376        0%               0%             0%                1581                  55        device_usage_st
    375        0%               0%             0%                2031                  63        locationhub    
    294        0%               0%             0%                2695                  98        multimodalinput
    292        0%               0%             0%                 235                   6        uinput_inject  
    291        0%               0%             0%                1652                   7        udevd          
    290        0%               0%             0%                 207                   6        wifi_hal_servic
    289        0%               0%             0%                 680                  49        param_watcher  
    288        0%               0%             0%                 584                  42        storage_daemon
    287        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:2H-events_highpri
    286        0%               0%             0%                1187                  68        device_manager
    285        0%               0%             0%                1652                 172        storage_manager
    284        0%               0%             0%                 803                  39        samgr          
    283        0%               0%             0%               32120                 189        hiview         
    282        0%               0%             0%               12447                 741        appspawn       
    281        0%               0%             0%                 370                  19        hdf_devmgr     
    280        0%               0%             0%                 320                  41        hichainCmd     
    274        0%               0%             0%                5245                   5        hilogd         
    273        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ext4-rsv-conver
    272        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        f2fs_gc-179:13
    270        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        f2fs_discard-17
    269        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        f2fs_flush-179:
    268        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:2H-kblockd
    267        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:2H-kblockd
    266        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:2H   
    265        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:2H   
    264        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:2H   
    263        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:2H-mmc_complete
    262        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:1H   
    259        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:1H-kblockd
    258        0%               0%             0%                 204                   0        watchdog_servic
    256        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:1H-kblockd
    255        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:1H-kblockd
    254        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:2H-kblockd
    253        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ext4-rsv-conver
    252        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ext4-rsv-conver
    251        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:2-events_freezable
    250        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:1H-kblockd
    245        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rknpu_power_off
    244        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        hdf_event2_queu
    243        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        hdf_event1_queu
    242        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        GPIO3_16       
    241        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        gt1x_workthread
    240        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dhd_rxf        
    239        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dhd_dpc        
    238        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dhd_watchdog_th
    237        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ext_eventd     
    235        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        gadget pnp noti
    234        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        usb pnp notify
    233        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        spi6           
    231        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        card0-crtc3    
    230        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        card0-crtc2    
    229        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        card0-crtc1    
    228        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        card0-crtc0    
    227        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/74-fde80000
    226        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/72-fde80000
    225        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/76-dw-hdmi-
    224        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        hpd_queue      
    223        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u17:1-mali_kbase_csf_kcpu
    222        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        mali-simple-pow
    221        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:1H-events_highpri
    220        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:1H-kblockd
    219        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        gpu_power_off_w
    218        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        mmc_complete   
    217        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/38-rga2    
    216        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/37-rga3_cor
    215        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/36-rga3_cor
    214        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:2-events
    213        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u16:4-events_power_efficient
    211        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kstrp          
    210        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        krfcommd       
    209        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ipv6_addrconf  
    208        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/82-mmc0    
    207        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        sdhci          
    206        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ion_system_heap
    205        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cryptodev_queue
    204        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u16:3-events_unbound
    203        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        sugov:6        
    202        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        sugov:4        
    201        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        sugov:0        
    200        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:2-pm
    199        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cfinteractive  
    198        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/95-rockchip
    197        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/110-rk_hdmi
    195        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:5    
    194        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:4-rcu_gp
    193        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:3-pm
    192        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        6-0022         
    191        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        6-0022         
    190        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        6-0022         
    189        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/123-hym8563
    188        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:2-events
    187        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:3-events
    186        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:2-events
    185        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:2-pm
    184        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        uas            
    183        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:5-events
    182        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:4-events_freezable
    181        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:3-events_long
    179        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u16:2-events_unbound
    178        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        stmmac_wq      
    177        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/116-rk806  
    176        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        spi2           
    175        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        scsi_tmf_0     
    174        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        scsi_eh_0      
    173        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        nvme-delete-wq
    172        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        nvme-reset-wq  
    171        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        nvme-wq        
    170        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        dmabuf-deferred
    165        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        hwrng          
    164        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/113-av1d-ma
    163        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/53-fdbe0000
    162        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/50-fdbd0000
    161        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/39-fdb90000
    160        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/49-fdbb0000
    159        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/47-fdbac000
    158        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/45-fdba8000
    157        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/43-fdba4000
    156        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/41-fdba0000
    155        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/34-fdb50400
    154        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work11   
    153        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work10   
    152        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work9    
    151        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work8    
    150        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work7    
    149        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work6    
    148        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work5    
    147        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work4    
    146        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work3    
    145        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work2    
    144        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work1    
    143        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        queue_work0    
    142        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:2-events
    141        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/106-rockchi
    140        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/26-rockchip
    139        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/25-rockchip
    138        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        irq/24-rockchip
    136        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        xfs_mru_cache  
    135        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        xfsalloc       
    134        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        nfsiod         
    133        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kswapd0        
    113        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cfg80211       
    112        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        xprtiod        
    111        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u17:0-mali_kbase_csf_sync_upd
    110        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rpciod         
    109        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:1H-events_highpri
    108        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u16:1-devfreq_wq
    107        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        watchdogd      
    106        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        devfreq_wq     
    105        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        tpm_dev_wq     
    104        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kconsole       
    103        0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kblockd        
    62         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        writeback      
    61         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        oom_reaper     
    60         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kauditd        
    59         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:1-events_long
    58         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:1-events_long
    57         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:1-mm_percpu_wq
    56         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:1-events
    55         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:1-pm
    54         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:1-events
    53         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:1+events
    52         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:1-mm_percpu_wq
    50         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        netns          
    49         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kdevtmpfs      
    48         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:0H-kblockd
    47         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/7:0-events
    46         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/7    
    45         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/7    
    44         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/7        
    43         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:0H-kblockd
    42         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/6:0-events_long
    41         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/6    
    40         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/6    
    39         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/6        
    38         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:0H-kblockd
    37         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/5:0-pm
    36         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/5    
    35         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/5    
    34         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/5        
    33         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:0H-events_highpri
    32         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/4:0-rcu_gp
    31         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/4    
    30         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/4    
    29         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/4        
    28         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:0H-kblockd
    27         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/3:0-events_long
    26         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/3    
    25         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/3    
    24         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/3        
    23         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:0H-events_highpri
    22         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/2:0-events
    21         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/2    
    20         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/2    
    19         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/2        
    18         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:0H-kblockd
    17         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/1:0-rcu_gp
    16         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/1    
    15         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/1    
    14         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/1        
    13         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        cpuhp/0        
    12         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        migration/0    
    11         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rcu_sched      
    10         0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        ksoftirqd/0    
    9          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rcu_tasks_rude_
    8          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        mm_percpu_wq   
    7          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/u16:0-events_power_efficient
    6          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:0H-mmc_complete
    5          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kworker/0:0-pm
    4          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rcu_par_gp     
    3          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        rcu_gp         
    2          0%               0%             0%                   0                   0        kthreadd       
    1          0%               0%             0%                4268                 118        init           


                         Pss        Shared        Shared       Private       Private          Swap       SwapPss
                       Total         Clean         Dirty         Clean         Dirty         Total         Total
                      ( kB )        ( kB )        ( kB )        ( kB )        ( kB )        ( kB )        ( kB )
   native heap         21858             0          4652             0         21180             0             0
AnonPage other          6813             4          2668             0          6432             0             0
         stack            88             0             0             0            88             0             0
          .hap           104             0             0           104             0             0             0
           .so         27913         67712          6812         11956          3964             0             0
          .ttf          4042          7448             0          1248             0             0             0
           dev            14             0           100            12             0             0             0
FilePage other           111           596             8             0             4             0             0
         Total         60943         75760         14240         13320         31668             0             0

Catcher log total time is 556ms





原来hap在openharmony3.1 release是可以打开的,现在升级到openharmony3.2 release,点击桌面图标,桌面图标变大,然后就闪退了。

 bundleName  com.example.softbusclient


01-02 14:09:54.172 291-1799/? W C02800/TouchTransformProcessor: in GetTouchToolType, Unknown Btn tool type, identified as finger
01-02 14:09:54.173 633-1604/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (722,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ClientMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:13,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.174 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (1119,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ClientMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:11,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.174 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C03900/Ace: [rosen_render_context.cpp:1083((ClearFocusState)-(0)] focusStateModifier_ is null, return on line 1083
01-02 14:09:54.174 633-1398/? W C04200/WindowRoot: <1138>RaiseZOrderForAppWindow: window is not app window
01-02 14:09:54.210 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.212 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.212 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.212 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.225 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.226 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.226 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.226 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.239 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.240 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.240 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.241 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.253 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.255 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.255 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.255 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.255 633-1604/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (697,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ClientMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:13,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.256 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (987,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ClientMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:11,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.258 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C03900/Ace: [parallel_recognizer.cpp:45((OnRejected)-(0)] the LongPressRecognizer gesture recognizer already failed
01-02 14:09:54.258 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C03900/Ace: [parallel_recognizer.cpp:45((OnRejected)-(0)] the SequencedRecognizer gesture recognizer already failed
01-02 14:09:54.258 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C03900/Ace: [parallel_recognizer.cpp:45((OnRejected)-(0)] the ParallelRecognizer gesture recognizer already failed
01-02 14:09:54.258 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C03900/Ace: [parallel_recognizer.cpp:45((OnRejected)-(0)] the LongPressRecognizer gesture recognizer already failed
01-02 14:09:54.261 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
01-02 14:09:54.261 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
01-02 14:09:54.261 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
01-02 14:09:54.262 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C03900/Ace: [exclusive_recognizer.cpp:186((BatchAdjudicate)-(0)] the exclusiveRecognizer has already finished referee
01-02 14:09:54.263 633-1646/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.263 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.263 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.264 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.264 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.265 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.265 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [app_control_manager_rdb.cpp(GetAppRunningControlRule):305] GetAppRunningControlRuleResult size 0
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.266 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.267 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.267 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.267 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.267 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.267 633-1646/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.268 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.268 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.269 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.269 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.270 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.272 633-1646/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_record.cpp(GrantUriPermission:2228)]Do not call uriPermissionMgr.
01-02 14:09:54.273 633-1646/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: Error open /data/storage/el1/bundle/systemResources/SystemResources.hap in ReadIndexFromFile 2
01-02 14:09:54.273 633-1646/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: read Index from file failed
01-02 14:09:54.274 633-1646/? E C02b03/BmpFormatAgent: header stamp mismatch.
01-02 14:09:54.274 633-1646/? E C02b05/ImageCode: [ImageSource]check mismatched format :image/bmp.
01-02 14:09:54.274 633-1646/? E C02b03/GifFormatAgent: header stamp mismatch.
01-02 14:09:54.274 633-1646/? E C02b05/ImageCode: [ImageSource]check mismatched format :image/gif.
01-02 14:09:54.275 633-1646/? E C02b03/HeifFormatAgent: head type is not ftyp.
01-02 14:09:54.275 633-1646/? E C02b05/ImageCode: [ImageSource]check mismatched format :image/heif.
01-02 14:09:54.275 633-1646/? E C02b03/JpegFormatAgent: header stamp mismatch.
01-02 14:09:54.275 633-1646/? E C02b05/ImageCode: [ImageSource]check mismatched format :image/jpeg.
01-02 14:09:54.282 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.284 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.284 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.284 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.297 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.298 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.298 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.299 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.302 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.303 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.304 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.304 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.304 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.304 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.309 633-1398/? E C02500/HDI_DISP_PROXY: Get: GetService hdi_display_gralloc_service ok
01-02 14:09:54.313 291-1799/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (397,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ServerMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:6,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.314 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/asan/lib to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbusclient/system/asan/lib failed 2, just DE
01-02 14:09:54.314 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.315 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbusclient/system/asan/lib64 failed 2, jus
01-02 14:09:54.315 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.315 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/data to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbusclient/system/data failed 2, just DEBUG MESS
01-02 14:09:54.315 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.316 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /vendor/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbusclient/vendor/asan/lib64 failed 2, jus
01-02 14:09:54.316 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.317 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /data/local/ark-cache/com.example.softbusclient to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbusclient/da
01-02 14:09:54.317 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.318 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /data/app/el1/bundle/public/ohos.global.systemres.overlay to /mnt/sandbox/com.example.softbu
01-02 14:09:54.318 2308-2308/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.326 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.327 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.329 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.330 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.330 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.333 633-1669/? W C01300/Configuration: [configuration.cpp(Marshalling:250)]Marshalling
01-02 14:09:54.341 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.342 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.344 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.344 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.344 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.344 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.344 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.344 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.345 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.345 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.345 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.355 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.356 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.357 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.358 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.358 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.369 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.371 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.372 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.372 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.372 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.373 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = InputMethodExtensionAbility, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.377 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = WindowExtension, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.384 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.385 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.386 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = EnterpriseAdminExtention, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.386 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.387 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.387 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.392 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = DataShareExtAbility, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.396 2308-2308/? E C01200/EventRunner: Run: Do not call, if event runner is deposited
01-02 14:09:54.398 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.400 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.401 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.401 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.401 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.406 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.406 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.406 2308-2308/? E C01300/Runtime: [js_runtime.cpp(LoadModule:704)]Failed to make module file path: /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry/ets/Application/AbilityStage.abc
01-02 14:09:54.413 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.414 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.415 2308-2308/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Symbol not found: NAPI_request_GetABCCode, version: null
01-02 14:09:54.416 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.416 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.416 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.417 2308-2308/? E C01300/Runtime: [js_runtime.cpp(LoadModule:704)]Failed to make module file path: /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry/ets/MainAbility/MainAbility.abc
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.421 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.422 2308-2308/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(EventTask:120)]no VSync occur.
01-02 14:09:54.424 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [ability.cpp(HandleCreateAsRecovery:1029)]AppRecovery not recovery restart
01-02 14:09:54.424 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [ability.cpp(InitWindow:1636)]Ability::InitWindow abilityWindow_ is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.424 399-1023/? E C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: [TryCreateRtg]: createNewRtgGroup failed! grpId:-1
01-02 14:09:54.427 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.429 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.430 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.430 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.430 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [ability_impl.cpp(CheckAndRestore:415)]AbilityImpl::CheckAndRestore hasSaveData_ is false
01-02 14:09:54.430 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.436 291-1800/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (1671,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:IPC-OnRemoteRequest,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:2308,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.438 2308-2308/? E C01300/Ability: [ability.cpp(ShouldRecoverState:394)]AppRecovery Not enable
01-02 14:09:54.442 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.443 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.445 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.445 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.445 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.456 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.458 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.459 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.459 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.459 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.464 2308-2308/? E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.464 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: [localization.cpp:970((ParseLocaleTag)-(0)] This localeTag is not valid.
01-02 14:09:54.464 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: [utils.h:94((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] AssetManager is null
01-02 14:09:54.465 2308-2308/? E C01706/ueaClient-RmeCoreSched: [Init]: do not enabled!ret: -1
01-02 14:09:54.466 399-1023/? E C01706/rtg_interface: open node failed.
01-02 14:09:54.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:09:54.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:09:54.471 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.472 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.474 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.474 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.474 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.474 2308-2308/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.474 2308-2308/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : ets/resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.474 2308-2308/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : resources/base/profile/resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.475 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = resources/styles/default.json
01-02 14:09:54.475 2308-2308/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: ref $pattern:125829873 can't be array
01-02 14:09:54.475 2308-2308/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: ResolveReference failed, value:$pattern:125829873
01-02 14:09:54.483 2308-2308/? E C01d02/accessibility_asacfwk: [accessibility_system_ability_client_impl.cpp(AccessibilitySystemAbilityClientImpl:54)]accessibility service is ready.
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2308/? E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_ace_view.cpp:434((SurfaceChanged)-(0)] pipelineContext is null, return on line 434
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = manifest.json
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:manifest.json Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroySync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglClientWaitSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetSyncAttrib. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateImage. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroyImage. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetPlatformDisplay. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.484 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglWaitSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglLockSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglUnlockSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglSignalSyncKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroyStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamAttribKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamu64KHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamProducerSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamTimeKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetStreamFileDescriptorKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 2308-2324/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamFromFileDescriptorKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.485 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.487 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.488 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.488 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.489 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.490 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.490 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.490 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.490 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.490 633-1398/? E C04200/AvoidAreaController: <72>AddOrRemoveOverlayWindowIfNeed: IsOverlayWindow Failed.
01-02 14:09:54.491 633-1398/? W C04200/WindowNodeContainer: <754>UpdateFocusStatus: current focus window: windowId: 14, windowName: softbusclient0, bundleName: com.example.softbusclient, abilityName: MainAbility, pid: 2308, uid: 20010043
01-02 14:09:54.491 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C03900/Ace: [rosen_render_context.cpp:1083((ClearFocusState)-(0)] focusStateModifier_ is null, return on line 1083
01-02 14:09:54.491 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher W C03900/Ace: [overlay_manager.cpp:642((HideAllMenus)-(0)] OverlayManager: menuMap is empty
01-02 14:09:54.491 633-1398/? E C04201/AbstractDisplay: <179>RequestRotation: rotation not change 0
01-02 14:09:54.492 427-1074/? W C01d00/accessibility: [accessibility_window_manager.cpp(WindowUpdateFocused:377)]window not created
01-02 14:09:54.493 291-1799/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (921,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ServerMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:6,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.493 633-633/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.494 633-633/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.494 633-633/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.494 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.494 2308-2324/? E C02c02/PARAM: [param_comm.c:140]Forbid to access parameter debug_layer
01-02 14:09:54.494 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.494 2308-2324/? E C02c02/PARAM: [param_request.c:260]Forbid to watch parameter debug_layer
01-02 14:09:54.496 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.496 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.496 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.496 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.496 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.497 2308-2308/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(FindNativeModuleByDisk)] moduleName 'prompt' does not match plugin's name 'promptAction'
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [app_control_manager_rdb.cpp(GetAppRunningControlRule):305] GetAppRunningControlRuleResult size 0
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(ExplicitQueryAbilityInfo):572] ability not found
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(QueryAbilityInfo):441] explicit queryAbilityInfo error
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.497 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.498 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.499 2308-2308/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Error loading shared library libcjson.z.so: No such file or directory (needed by /data/storage/el1/bundle/libs/arm64/libsoftbus_client_run.so)
01-02 14:09:54.499 2308-2308/? E C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] primary module path is empty
01-02 14:09:54.499 2308-2308/? E C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(FindNativeModuleByDisk)] primary and secondary module path load failed softbus_client_run
01-02 14:09:54.499 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.499 2308-2318/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(OnVSync:47)]Only support 60HZ.
01-02 14:09:54.500 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: [ark_js_runtime.cpp:275((HandleUncaughtException)-(0)] uncaughtErrorHandler is null.
01-02 14:09:54.500 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.500 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.500 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_permission_mgr.cpp(VerifyCallingPermission):621] permission ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED: PERMISSION_DENIED
01-02 14:09:54.500 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_mgr_host_impl.cpp(GetBundleInfos):272] verify permission failed
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1421/? E C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_connect_manager.cpp(IsAbilityNeedKeepAlive:1118)]Handle ability died task, get bundle infos failed
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.501 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.501 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.502 633-1669/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.503 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.503 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.503 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.508 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:841]CheckAppSandboxSwitchStatus middle, 1
01-02 14:09:54.510 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/asan/lib to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissionmanager/system/asan/lib failed 2, just D
01-02 14:09:54.510 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissionmanager/system/asan/lib64 failed 2, ju
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /system/data to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissionmanager/system/data failed 2, just DEBUG MES
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /vendor/asan/lib64 to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissionmanager/vendor/asan/lib64 failed 2, ju
01-02 14:09:54.511 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.513 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /data/local/ark-cache/com.ohos.permissionmanager to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissionmanager/
01-02 14:09:54.513 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.514 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:197]bind mount /data/app/el1/bundle/public/ohos.global.systemres.overlay to /mnt/sandbox/com.ohos.permissio
01-02 14:09:54.514 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [json_utils.cpp:49]Find key[check-action-status] successful.
01-02 14:09:54.514 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.515 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:841]CheckAppSandboxSwitchStatus middle, 1
01-02 14:09:54.516 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.517 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.517 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.517 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.517 2341-2341/? E C02c11/APPSPAWN: [sandbox_utils.cpp:841]CheckAppSandboxSwitchStatus middle, 1
01-02 14:09:54.525 2308-2324/? E C01400/OHOS::ROSEN: print log error in vsprintf_s
01-02 14:09:54.529 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.529 633-1669/? W C01300/Configuration: [configuration.cpp(Marshalling:250)]Marshalling
01-02 14:09:54.530 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.531 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.532 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.532 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.541 633-1402/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.541 633-1402/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.541 633-1402/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.541 633-1402/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.542 633-1402/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.542 633-1402/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.543 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.545 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.546 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.546 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.546 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.556 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class __properities__ for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.557 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Dirent for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.557 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Dir for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.558 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class RandomAccessFile for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.558 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Stat for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.558 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Stream for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.558 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Watcher for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.559 2308-2308/? E C04388/file_api: Export: Class Constants for module fileio has been exported
01-02 14:09:54.566 2308-2308/? W C03f00/ArkCompiler: [default] GetNativeModuleValue:153 GetNativeModuleValue: currentModule /data/storage/el1/bundle/entry/ets/modules.abc, find requireModule @app:com.example.softbusclient/entry/softbus_client_run failed
01-02 14:09:54.567 2308-2308/? E C03f00/ArkCompiler: [default] Call:1312 occur exception need return
01-02 14:09:54.580 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:09:54.581 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:09:54.581 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.581 1762-1767/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.581 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.582 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.582 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:09:54.584 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: Roming network rssi - Current network rssi < 6.
01-02 14:09:54.584 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: No electedDevice.
01-02 14:09:54.584 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:09:54.585 2341-2341/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = InputMethodExtensionAbility, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.591 2341-2341/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = WindowExtension, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.617 2341-2341/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = EnterpriseAdminExtention, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.642 2341-2341/? E C01300/Ability: [extension_config_mgr.cpp(AddBlockListItem:84)]Extension name = DataShareExtAbility, not exist in blocklist config
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = app.js.map
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:app.js.map Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? W C03900/Ace: [frontend_delegate_declarative.cpp:785((GetFaAppSourceMap)-(0)] app map load failed!
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: [jsi_base_utils.cpp:548((ReportJsErrorEvent)-(0)] summaryBody:
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: Lifetime: 0.000000s
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: Js-Engine: ark
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: page: pages/index.js
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: Error message: Cannot read property sessionServerInit of undefined
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: SourceCode:
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace:         this.sessionServerInitState = softbus_client_run.sessionServerInit(this.callbackInfoReceived);
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace:                                       ^
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace: Stacktrace:
01-02 14:09:54.649 2308-2308/? E C03900/Ace:     at aboutToAppear (entry/src/main/ets/pages/index.ets:515:35)
01-02 14:09:54.651 2341-2341/? E C01200/EventRunner: Run: Do not call, if event runner is deposited
01-02 14:09:54.654 633-1421/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.654 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:54.654 633-1421/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:54.655 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.655 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.655 633-1421/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.655 633-1421/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.656 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.656 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.657 2341-2341/? E C01300/Runtime: [js_runtime.cpp(LoadModule:704)]Failed to make module file path: /data/storage/el1/bundle/permissionmanager/ets/Application/AbilityStage.abc
01-02 14:09:54.662 2341-2341/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Symbol not found: NAPI_request_GetABCCode, version: null
01-02 14:09:54.664 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.664 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.665 2341-2341/? E C01300/Runtime: [js_runtime.cpp(LoadModule:704)]Failed to make module file path: /data/storage/el1/bundle/permissionmanager/ets/ServiceExtAbility/ServiceExtAbility.abc
01-02 14:09:54.666 2341-2341/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: (null)
01-02 14:09:54.667 2341-2341/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Symbol not found: NAPI_window_GetABCCode, version: null
01-02 14:09:54.668 2341-2341/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: Symbol not found: NAPI_deviceInfo_GetABCCode, version: null
01-02 14:09:54.668 2341-2341/? W C03900/NAPI: [native_module_manager.cpp(LoadModuleLibrary)] dlopen failed: (null)
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.670 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.672 2341-2341/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(EventTask:120)]no VSync occur.
01-02 14:09:54.672 280-602/? E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number startSeg.
01-02 14:09:54.672 280-602/? E C02d10/ExtractRule: GetJsonArray: failed to get json array number segStack.
01-02 14:09:54.674 2341-2341/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(EventTask:120)]no VSync occur.
01-02 14:09:54.677 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfoInner]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.677 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.678 291-1800/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (612,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:IPC-OnRemoteRequest,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:2341,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.682 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfoInner]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.682 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.689 2341-2341/? E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.695 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [localization.cpp:970((ParseLocaleTag)-(0)] This localeTag is not valid.
01-02 14:09:54.695 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [utils.h:94((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] AssetManager is null
01-02 14:09:54.706 2341-2341/? E C01706/ueaClient-RmeCoreSched: [Init]: do not enabled!ret: -1
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroySync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglClientWaitSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetSyncAttrib. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateImage. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroyImage. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetPlatformDisplay. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglWaitSync. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglLockSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglUnlockSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglSignalSyncKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglDestroyStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamAttribKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamu64KHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerGLTextureExternalKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglStreamConsumerReleaseKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamProducerSurfaceKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglQueryStreamTimeKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglGetStreamFileDescriptorKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.709 2341-2361/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <94>LoadEgl: couldn't find the entry-point: eglCreateStreamFromFileDescriptorKHR. at /system/lib64/libEGL_impl.so
01-02 14:09:54.717 2341-2361/? E C02c02/PARAM: [param_comm.c:140]Forbid to access parameter debug_layer
01-02 14:09:54.717 2341-2361/? E C02c02/PARAM: [param_request.c:260]Forbid to watch parameter debug_layer
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : ets/resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [zip_file.cpp(IsDirExist:270)]target dir not found, dir : resources/base/profile/resources/styles/
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = resources/styles/default.json
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: ref $pattern:125829873 can't be array
01-02 14:09:54.718 2341-2341/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: ResolveReference failed, value:$pattern:125829873
01-02 14:09:54.723 2341-2341/? E C01d02/accessibility_asacfwk: [accessibility_system_ability_client_impl.cpp(AccessibilitySystemAbilityClientImpl:54)]accessibility service is ready.
01-02 14:09:54.724 2341-2341/? E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.724 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = manifest.json
01-02 14:09:54.724 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:manifest.json Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.729 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfoInner]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.729 625-724/? E C02f01/AccessTokenInfoManager: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:token 537445454 is invalid.
01-02 14:09:54.731 633-1398/? E C04200/AvoidAreaController: <72>AddOrRemoveOverlayWindowIfNeed: IsOverlayWindow Failed.
01-02 14:09:54.731 633-1398/? W C04200/WindowNodeContainer: <754>UpdateFocusStatus: current focus window: windowId: 15, windowName: permissionDialog1, bundleName: com.ohos.permissionmanager, abilityName: , pid: 2341, uid: 20010017
01-02 14:09:54.732 427-1074/? W C01d00/accessibility: [accessibility_window_manager.cpp(WindowUpdateFocused:377)]window not created
01-02 14:09:54.733 291-1799/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (695,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ServerMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:6,param2:0
01-02 14:09:54.734 399-1023/? E C01706/ueaServer-IntelliSenseServer: [TryCreateRtg]: createNewRtgGroup failed! grpId:-1
01-02 14:09:54.746 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = commons.abc
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:commons.abc Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = vendors.abc
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:vendors.abc Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = app.js.map
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:app.js.map Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [jsi_declarative_engine.cpp:1173((LoadJs)-(0)] app map load failed!
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [flutter_asset_manager.cpp:35((GetAsset)-(0)] find asset failed, name = app.abc
01-02 14:09:54.747 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [utils.h:99((GetAssetContentImpl)-(0)] uri:app.abc Asset is null
01-02 14:09:54.747 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.749 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.749 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.749 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.753 2341-2361/? E C01400/OHOS::ROSEN: print log error in vsprintf_s
01-02 14:09:54.760 2341-2351/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(OnVSync:47)]Only support 60HZ.
01-02 14:09:54.797 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [pipeline_context.cpp:400((SetContainerButtonHide)-(0)] Window modal is not container.
01-02 14:09:54.798 2341-2341/? E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:54.798 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [render_node.cpp:1358((UpdateAll)-(0)] fail to update all due to component is null
01-02 14:09:54.802 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [page_transition_element.cpp:310((GetContentElement)-(0)] get content element failed. content tween is null.
01-02 14:09:54.803 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [js_custom_dialog_controller.cpp:278((ShowDialog)-(0)] JSCustomDialogController(ShowDialog) stack is null, post delay task.
01-02 14:09:54.803 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [view_stack_processor.cpp:772((FinishReturnMain)-(0)] ViewStackProcessor FinishInternal failed, input empty render or invalid root component
01-02 14:09:54.803 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [element.cpp:216((UpdateChildWithSlot)-(0)] no child and no newComponent, likely an internal error!
01-02 14:09:54.804 2341-2341/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(PostTask:142)]Only support 60HZ.
01-02 14:09:54.804 2341-2341/? E C01300/Appkit: [idle_time.cpp(EventTask:120)]no VSync occur.
01-02 14:09:54.833 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.834 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.835 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.837 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.837 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.837 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.919 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [render_node.cpp:1358((UpdateAll)-(0)] fail to update all due to component is null
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.923 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.924 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.924 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.943 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [component_group_element.cpp:37((PerformBuild)-(0)] Should be component group, but (null)
01-02 14:09:54.957 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.957 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.958 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.958 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.958 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.958 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.959 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.959 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.959 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.959 625-724/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.964 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.964 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.965 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.965 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.966 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.966 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.966 633-633/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.966 633-633/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.967 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.967 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.967 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM!
01-02 14:09:54.967 625-625/? E C02f01/PermissionManager: [GetDefPermission]:no definition for permission: ohos.permission.USE_TRUSTCIRCLE_MANAGER!
01-02 14:09:54.970 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.970 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.971 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.971 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.971 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.972 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.987 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.987 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.988 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.988 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.988 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:54.989 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:54.992 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.994 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.995 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.996 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.996 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:54.997 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.000 2341-2357/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: find resource by string id error
01-02 14:09:55.000 2341-2357/? E C01e00/ResourceManagerJs: GetStringById failed state id = 0
01-02 14:09:55.001 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.001 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.001 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.001 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.002 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.002 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.013 2341-2359/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: find resource by string id error
01-02 14:09:55.013 2341-2359/? E C01e00/ResourceManagerJs: GetStringById failed state id = 0
01-02 14:09:55.013 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.014 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.014 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.015 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.015 633-1646/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.015 633-1646/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.026 2341-2358/? E C01e00/ResourceManager: find resource by string id error
01-02 14:09:55.026 2341-2358/? E C01e00/ResourceManagerJs: GetStringById failed state id = 0
01-02 14:09:55.044 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [svg_path.cpp:64((CreateRender)-(0)] path of tag skip box create
01-02 14:09:55.044 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [render_svg_use.cpp:43((Update)-(0)] ref RenderComponent is null, href:path-1
01-02 14:09:55.044 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [svg_use.cpp:83((CreateRender)-(0)] use of svg tag skip box create
01-02 14:09:55.044 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [svg_g.cpp:72((CreateRender)-(0)] g tag skip box create
01-02 14:09:55.044 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [svg_svg.cpp:81((CreateRender)-(0)] svg of svg tag skip box create
01-02 14:09:55.065 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.066 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.067 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.068 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.069 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.069 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.079 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.080 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.082 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.083 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.084 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.084 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.094 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.095 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.096 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.097 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.097 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.098 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.108 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.109 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.110 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.112 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.112 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.112 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.122 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.124 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.125 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.126 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.126 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.127 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.137 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.138 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.140 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.141 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.141 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.141 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.151 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.153 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.154 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.155 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.155 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.156 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.166 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.167 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.168 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.170 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.170 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.170 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.180 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.182 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.183 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.184 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.185 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.185 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.195 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.196 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.197 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.199 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.199 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.199 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.209 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.211 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.212 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.213 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.213 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.213 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.224 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.225 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.226 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.228 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.228 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.228 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.652 633-1402/? W C01510/BinderInvoker: 469: stub: ohos.appexecfwk.IAmsMgr deal request code: 0 cost time: 1001ms
01-02 14:09:55.652 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:09:55.653 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):46] tokenType != ATokenTypeEnum::TOKEN_HAP
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [inner_bundle_info.cpp(GetResponseUserId):3017] requestUserId(0) less than start userId.
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [inner_bundle_info.h(GetApplicationEnabled):488] can not find userId -1 when GetApplicationEnabled
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoWithFlags):2136] bundleName: com.example.softbusclient is disabled
01-02 14:09:55.654 633-1736/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetApplicationInfo):1283] GetApplicationInfo failed
01-02 14:09:55.665 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:09:55.681 291-1799/? W C02800/MMIService: in OnDisconnected, Enter, session desc:fd = 29, programName = com.example.softbusclient, moduleType = 0, opened, uid = 20010043, pid = 2308, tokenType = -1
01-02 14:09:55.681 291-1799/? W C02800/MMIService: , fd:29
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-427/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 29
01-02 14:09:55.682 642-717/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 20
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-1952/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 28
01-02 14:09:55.682 642-717/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 20 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-427/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 29 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 153
01-02 14:09:55.682 642-1419/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 18
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 153 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-427/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 31
01-02 14:09:55.682 642-1419/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 18 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-427/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 31 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-1952/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 28 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1669/? E C01300/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(OnRemoteDied:1556)]On remote died.
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1657/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 154
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 155
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1657/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 154 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-1063/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 30
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 155 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 427-1063/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 30 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? E C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_scheduler_stub.cpp(OnRemoteDied:632)]recv AbilitySchedulerRecipient death notice
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1657/? W C04200/ClientAgentContainer: <110>UnregisterAgentLocked: could not find this agent
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1669/? W C01300/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(FinishUserTestLocked:2203)]not start user test
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_record.cpp(OnSchedulerDied:1764)]On scheduler died.
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-633/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_record.cpp(OnSchedulerDied:1767)]On scheduler died. Is app not response Reason:0
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1657/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 156
01-02 14:09:55.682 285-736/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 25
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1657/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 156 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 285-736/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 25 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.682 642-642/? W C01400/OHOS::RS: RSRenderServiceListener::OnBufferAvailable node is nullptr
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1670/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [connection_state_manager.cpp(RemoveDiedCaller:377)]can not find target item, connection caller pid:2308, may already handled.
01-02 14:09:55.682 633-1670/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [connection_state_manager.cpp(HandleCallerDied:351)]no connectionStateItem, may already handled.
01-02 14:09:55.683 633-1660/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [ability_record.cpp(GrantUriPermission:2228)]Do not call uriPermissionMgr.
01-02 14:09:55.683 633-1660/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [mission_list_manager.cpp(BackToLauncher:2317)]no root launcher ability, no need back to launcher.
01-02 14:09:55.683 1927-2302/com.ohos.launcher E C01300/Ability: [ability_thread.cpp(SendResult:897)]AbilityThread::SendResult abilityImpl_ == nullptr
01-02 14:09:55.684 633-1398/? W C04200/WindowNodeContainer: <754>UpdateFocusStatus: current focus window: windowId: 12, windowName: EntryView, bundleName: com.ohos.launcher, abilityName: , pid: 1927, uid: 20010016
01-02 14:09:55.684 633-1398/? E C04200/WindowProxy: <54>UpdateWindowRect: SendRequest failed
01-02 14:09:55.684 633-1398/? E C04200/AvoidAreaController: <72>AddOrRemoveOverlayWindowIfNeed: IsOverlayWindow Failed.
01-02 14:09:55.684 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [subwindow_manager.cpp:444((CloseDialog)-(-1)] SubwindowManager::CloseDialog Subwindow is null.
01-02 14:09:55.686 633-1645/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:55.686 633-1645/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:09:55.686 633-1645/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:09:55.686 291-1799/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (567,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ServerMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:6,param2:0
01-02 14:09:55.686 633-1645/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.687 633-1645/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.687 633-1398/? E C01401/Bufferqueue: <57>DestoryNativeWindow: parameter error, please check input parameter
01-02 14:09:55.687 633-1398/? E C01401/Bufferqueue: <57>DestoryNativeWindow: parameter error, please check input parameter
01-02 14:09:55.687 633-1398/? E C01401/Bufferqueue: (leashWindow14) ~ProducerSurface: Disconnect failed, <412 invalid operating>
01-02 14:09:55.688 633-1398/? E C01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RSTransactionProxy::AddCommand failed, command type and client type not match !
01-02 14:09:55.688 576-1196/? W C01711/RESOURCE_TASK: remove single resource record failure, no matched task: 2308
01-02 14:09:55.690 576-1196/? W C01711/RESOURCE_TASK: remove single resource record failure, no matched task: 20010043
01-02 14:09:55.690 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E C01d03/accessibility_acfwk: [accessibility_config_impl.cpp(NotifyImmediately:1305)]Event handler is nullptr
01-02 14:09:55.692 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [js_local_storage.cpp:52((RemoveStorage)-(0)] A local storage with key 0 does not exist!
01-02 14:09:55.692 2341-2341/? E C03900/Ace: [declarative_frontend.cpp:745((GetAccessibilityManager)-(0)] GetAccessibilityManager delegate is null
01-02 14:09:55.692 2341-2341/? W C03900/Ace: [watch_dog.cpp:450((Unregister)-(-1)] Unregister from watch dog failed with instanceID 0
01-02 14:09:55.692 633-1398/? W C04200/WindowNodeContainer: <367>RemoveWindowNode: can't find parent of this node
01-02 14:09:55.693 633-1398/? E C04200/AvoidAreaController: <72>AddOrRemoveOverlayWindowIfNeed: IsOverlayWindow Failed.
01-02 14:09:55.693 633-1398/? E C01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RSTransactionProxy::AddCommand failed, command type and client type not match !
01-02 14:09:55.694 633-1645/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.694 633-1645/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.694 291-1799/? W C02800/TimeCostChk: in ~TimeCostChk, Time cost overtime (361,(us)>300(us)) when Reason:ServerMsgHandler::OnMsgHandler,chk:overtime 300(us),param1:6,param2:0
01-02 14:09:55.695 633-1402/? W C01650/NativeRDB: ::FillSharedBlockOpt: Processed all rows after optimization.
01-02 14:09:55.695 633-1402/? W C01650/APP_DATA_FWK_NATIVE: SharedBlock: close ashmem
01-02 14:09:55.695 2341-2341/? E C01401/Bufferqueue: <57>DestoryNativeWindow: parameter error, please check input parameter
01-02 14:09:55.695 2341-2341/? E C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <364>DestroyEglSurface: EGLSurface is invalid.
01-02 14:09:55.695 2341-2341/? W C01400/OpenGLWrapper: <81>SetError: ThreadPrivateDataCtl::SetError error = 12301.
01-02 14:09:55.695 2341-2341/? E C01402/2DGraphics: DestroyEGLSurface: Failed to DestroyEGLSurface surface 0000000000000000, error is 300d
01-02 14:09:55.696 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_mgr_host.cpp(WriteParcelableVectorIntoAshmem):2312] The size of the ashmem is invalid or the content is empty
01-02 14:09:55.696 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_mgr_host.cpp(HandleQueryAllAbilityInfos):825] write failed
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1958/com.ohos.launcher W C03d00/utils_base: CheckOffsets Invalid obj, obj size overflow. objSize:32, dataSize:8
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1958/com.ohos.launcher E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(GetParcelableInfosFromAshmem):3544] Ashmem is nullptr
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1958/com.ohos.launcher E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_mgr_proxy.cpp(QueryAllAbilityInfos):1168] fail to QueryAbilityInfos from server
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1958/com.ohos.launcher E C01120/BundleMgrService: [launcher_service.cpp(GetAbilityList):143] Query ability info failed
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1958/com.ohos.launcher E C01120/BundleMgrService: [js_launcher.cpp(InnerJSGetLauncherAbilityInfos):773] GetAbilityList call error, bundlename is com.ohos.permissionmanager, userId is -2
01-02 14:09:55.696 1927-1927/com.ohos.launcher E A0001b/Launcher_Default: LauncherAbilityManager --> getAppInfoByBundleName launcherBundleMgr getLauncherAbilityInfos error: 1
01-02 14:09:55.697 2341-2341/? E C01300/Appkit: [application_impl.cpp(PerformTerminate:110)]ApplicationImpl::performTerminate error! curState is 1
01-02 14:09:55.697 2341-2341/? W C01300/Appkit: [main_thread.cpp(HandleTerminateApplication:1621)]HandleTerminateApplication: applicationImpl_->PerformTerminate() failed.
01-02 14:09:55.697 2341-2341/? E C01200/EventRunner: Stop: Do not call, if event runner is deposited
01-02 14:09:55.698 633-1669/? E C01300/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(ApplicationTerminated:456)]current state is not background
01-02 14:09:55.703 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.704 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.704 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.704 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.716 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.718 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.718 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.718 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.731 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.732 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.732 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.732 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.745 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.747 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.747 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.747 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.750 291-1799/? W C02800/MMIService: in OnDisconnected, Enter, session desc:fd = 30, programName = com.ohos.permissionmanager, moduleType = 0, opened, uid = 20010017, pid = 2341, tokenType = -1
01-02 14:09:55.750 291-1799/? W C02800/MMIService: , fd:30
01-02 14:09:55.751 642-2376/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 21
01-02 14:09:55.751 642-2376/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 21 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1646/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 158
01-02 14:09:55.751 285-736/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 26
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1646/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 158 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 285-736/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 26 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1951/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 33
01-02 14:09:55.751 642-717/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 22
01-02 14:09:55.751 642-717/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 22 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1951/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 33 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-2377/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 32
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1669/? E C01300/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(OnRemoteDied:1556)]On remote died.
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1950/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 34
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1950/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 34 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1669/? E C01300/AppMgrService: [app_running_record.cpp(SetApplicationClient:164)]moduleRecordList is empty
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1063/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 396: SendObituary: enter, handle: 35
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-1063/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 35 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 427-2377/? W C01510/IPCObjectProxy: 406: SendObituary: handle = 32 call OnRemoteDied
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1669/? W C01300/AppMgrService: [app_mgr_service_inner.cpp(FinishUserTestLocked:2203)]not start user test
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1670/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [connection_state_manager.cpp(RemoveDiedCaller:377)]can not find target item, connection caller pid:2341, may already handled.
01-02 14:09:55.751 633-1670/? W C01300/AbilityManagerService: [connection_state_manager.cpp(HandleCallerDied:351)]no connectionStateItem, may already handled.
01-02 14:09:55.751 576-1196/? W C01711/RESOURCE_TASK: remove single resource record failure, no matched task: 2341
01-02 14:09:55.757 576-1196/? W C01711/RESOURCE_TASK: remove single resource record failure, no matched task: 20010017
01-02 14:09:55.760 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.761 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.761 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.762 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.774 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.775 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.776 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.776 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.789 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.790 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.790 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.790 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.803 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.804 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.804 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.805 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.818 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.819 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.819 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.819 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.832 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.833 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.833 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.834 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.846 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.848 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.848 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.848 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.861 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.862 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.862 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.863 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.875 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.877 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.877 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.877 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.890 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.891 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.891 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.892 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:09:55.904 642-642/? W C01400/OHOS::RS: RSRenderServiceListener::OnBufferAvailable node is nullptr
01-02 14:09:57.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:09:57.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:09:58.683 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:00.001 501-1616/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:00.002 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:00.002 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:00.002 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:00.002 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:00.003 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):51] permission denied
01-02 14:10:00.003 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):51] permission denied
01-02 14:10:00.003 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):51] permission denied
01-02 14:10:00.003 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):51] permission denied
01-02 14:10:00.003 633-1667/? E C01200/Ces: [access_token_helper.cpp:(RecordSensitivePermissionUsage):51] permission denied
01-02 14:10:00.047 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:10:00.048 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:10:00.048 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:10:00.048 642-642/? E C01400/DISP: [0;32;31m[WaitAcquireFence@hdi_layer.cpp:208] fd is invalid[m
01-02 14:10:00.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:00.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:01.701 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:02.089 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: AllowScanByType, allScanResult:0.
01-02 14:10:02.089 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: appPackageName empty, apply scan polices rlt: 0.
01-02 14:10:02.094 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanning.
01-02 14:10:03.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:03.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:04.633 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:10:04.634 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:04.634 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:04.634 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:04.634 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:04.634 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:04.634 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:04.635 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: Roming network rssi - Current network rssi < 6.
01-02 14:10:04.635 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: No electedDevice.
01-02 14:10:04.635 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:10:04.635 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:04.635 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:04.635 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:04.635 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:04.635 1762-2189/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:10:04.717 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:06.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:06.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:07.732 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:09.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:09.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:10.751 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:12.092 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: AllowScanByType, allScanResult:0.
01-02 14:10:12.092 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: appPackageName empty, apply scan polices rlt: 0.
01-02 14:10:12.111 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanning.
01-02 14:10:12.467 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:12.467 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:13.770 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:14.700 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:10:14.701 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:14.701 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:14.701 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:14.701 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:14.701 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:14.702 1762-2189/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:10:14.702 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:14.702 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:14.702 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:14.702 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:14.704 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:14.704 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: Roming network rssi - Current network rssi < 6.
01-02 14:10:14.704 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: No electedDevice.
01-02 14:10:14.704 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:10:15.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:15.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:16.779 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:18.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:18.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:19.797 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:21.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:21.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:22.097 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: AllowScanByType, allScanResult:0.
01-02 14:10:22.098 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: appPackageName empty, apply scan polices rlt: 0.
01-02 14:10:22.103 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanning.
01-02 14:10:22.668 640-1220/? E C015b0/NetsysNativeService: [UpdateBuf-(dns_lookup_name.cpp:330)]cnt is less two or there are only IPv4 results, cnt : 3
01-02 14:10:22.668 640-1220/? W C01510/BinderInvoker: 469: stub: OHOS.NetsysNative.INetsysService deal request code: 6 cost time: 5004ms
01-02 14:10:22.815 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:24.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:24.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:24.618 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:10:24.620 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:24.621 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:24.621 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:24.621 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:24.622 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:24.622 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:24.622 1762-2189/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:10:24.622 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:24.622 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:24.622 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:24.623 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:24.629 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: Roming network rssi - Current network rssi < 6.
01-02 14:10:24.630 644-1623/? E C01560/StaAutoConnectService: No electedDevice.
01-02 14:10:24.630 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:10:25.825 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:27.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:27.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:28.843 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:30.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:30.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:31.861 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:32.100 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: AllowScanByType, allScanResult:0.
01-02 14:10:32.100 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: appPackageName empty, apply scan polices rlt: 0.
01-02 14:10:32.104 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanning.
01-02 14:10:33.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:33.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:34.630 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:10:34.630 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:34.631 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:34.631 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:34.631 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:34.631 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:34.632 1762-2189/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:10:34.632 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:34.633 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:34.633 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:34.633 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:34.633 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:34.639 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:10:34.879 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:36.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:36.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:37.895 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:39.468 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:39.468 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:40.912 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:42.104 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: AllowScanByType, allScanResult:0.
01-02 14:10:42.104 644-1623/? W C01562/ScanService: appPackageName empty, apply scan polices rlt: 0.
01-02 14:10:42.111 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanning.
01-02 14:10:42.469 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:42.469 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!
01-02 14:10:43.930 644-1404/? E C01560/StaStateMachine: NOT handle this event!
01-02 14:10:44.568 644-1623/? E C01560/WifiManager: DealScanFinished, state: 1!
01-02 14:10:44.569 644-1284/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:44.569 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:44.569 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:44.569 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:44.570 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:44.570 644-1623/? W C01200/Ces: [common_event_proxy.cpp:(PublishCommonEvent):70] invalid commonEventListener
01-02 14:10:44.570 1762-2189/com.ohos.systemui W C01560/WifiNapiEvent: not find register info.
01-02 14:10:44.570 633-1402/? W C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1706] get innerBundleInfo from bundleInfo_ by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:44.571 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_sandbox_data_mgr.cpp(GetInnerBundleInfoByUid):247] sandboxAppInfos_ is empty
01-02 14:10:44.571 633-1402/? E C01120/BundleMgrService: [bundle_data_mgr.cpp(GetBundleNameForUid):1712] get innerBundleInfo by uid failed.
01-02 14:10:44.571 633-1632/? E C01200/Ces: [common_event_control_manager.cpp:(GetUnorderedEventHandler):179] Failed to Add handler Thread
01-02 14:10:44.575 644-1623/? E C01560/OHWIFI_STATE_MACHINE: SwitchState, Switch to targetState: CommonScanUnworked.
01-02 14:10:45.469 644-1413/? E C01560/OHWIFI_UTILS_HTTP_REQ: HttpRequest::HttpRequestExec URL is null
01-02 14:10:45.469 644-1413/? E C01560/StaNetworkCheck: This network can't online!



